One-time pricing on remaining 17.5 acres in Alamosa Gateway Business Park subdivision. Great commercial building sites. Alamosa City water and sewer, 3 phase electric, natural gas, and fill dirt to curb height for each lot. Any additional fill, sidewalk, or tap fees are buyer expense. Traffic count- 15,000 AADT This property is located in the Opportunity Zone.
View full listing detailsPrice: | $1,000,000 |
Address: | TBD Adcock Circle |
City: | Alamosa |
County: | Alamosa |
State: | Colorado |
Zip Code: | 81101 |
Subdivision: | Other |
MLS: | 764680 |
Acres: | 17.500 |
Lot Square Feet: | 17.500 acres |
area: | Alamosa |
covenantsYN: | no |
currentPropertyUse: | Commercial |
domesticSewer: | Sewer Tap Installed |
domesticWater: | Public |
elemSchool: | Alamosa K-5 |
highSchool: | Alamosa 9-12 |
hoaYN: | no |
horseSetup: | no |
incomeProducing: | No |
legalLotBlock: | ADCOCK SUBDIVISION FR BLK 2 EXC FOR ALAMOSA GATEWAY BUSINESS PARK FILINGS #1-#4 18.69AC M/L QCD REC #304855 01-07-2002 PLAT REC #304557 12-20-2001 |
lotDimension: | 17.5 acres |
lotSizeAcreage: | 11-20 Acres |
middleSchool: | Ortega 6-8 |
mineralRights: | Unknown |
modularOrMobileAllowed: | No |
otherTransferFeesYN: | no |
parcelIdNum: | 541305001040 |
possiblePropertyUse: | Commercial |
priceAcre: | 57142.86 |
reoLenderOwned: | no |
saleRent: | For Sale |
sewerHUAvail: | Yes |
sewerPaid: | No |
sewerSepticIn: | Yes |
shortSale: | no |
specialAssessmentYN: | no |
taxYear: | 2022 |
totalTaxesPrice: | 1147 |
views: | Mountains |
waterFront: | no |
waterRightsIrrig: | No |
waterTapAvail: | Yes |
waterTapInstalled: | Yes |
waterTapPaid: | No |
waterWell: | No |
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